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5 gallon

10 lbs Orange Blossom honey (California OB if possible)

6 lbs Clover Blossom or Star Thistle honey

12.5g Go-Ferm

250ml water

10g Lalvin BA11

18g Fermaid-O

1.120 SG / 28.08 Brix

Top off your honey with enough water to reach the starting gravity listed above.

Follow the Yeast Handlingprocess on MMR.

​Add all of your Fermaid-O at 24-hours after yeast pitch.

Once the mead reaches 1.070, rack 4.5 gallons of your mead into a pail and add 1.5 gallons of Portuguese aguardente, or neutral spirit of 40% abv.

Here is what will change after the blend:

Volume: 4.5 gallons mead + 1.5 gallons brandy = 6 gallons

Alcohol Strength: 15.2% abv combined

Residual Sweetness: 1.052 combined

In secondary, add the following:

- 3oz of American medium-toast oak cubes

- 4oz of Hungarian heavy-toast oak cubes

Allow to age for at least 6 months. A full year or more of aging will be more than worth your time for this one.

Tip on aging for extended periods of time: Use a dry airlock to eliminate any risk of a regular airlock drying out.


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